5 Types Of Kisses πŸ’‹

posted on February 14, 2019 April 28, 2022
Doge seting up doggo kissing scene with two doggo figures. Now kiss.

Now kiss. Wow. 😘

1.The French Kiss

Involves plenty of tongue action. While not easy to master, it derives from desire.

2. Kiss on the Hand

Most formal of kisses, the traditional ritual doesn’t imply affection.

3. Air Kiss

Social gesture without actually touching the other person’s cheek, can be a hello or a goodbye.

4. The Eskimo Kiss

When two noses rub up against each other and move back and forth, believed to be the romantic option for those who live in cold climates.

5. Forehead Kiss

Compassionate and warm, but it communicates love in a non-sexual way.

Bonus: Turkish Kiss


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