Borks & Wine is like Bark Souls with guns, without guns and an excellent expansion to an already exceptional foundation.
– DogGamer
Borks and Wine is a new DRD exclusive expansion to The Witcher: Wild Hunt – story-driven open world RPG set in a visually stunning fantasy universe full of impactful consequences and meaningful choices. Witcher is developed and published by CD Projekt and based on The Witcher series of fantasy novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. Soundtrack for The Witcher 3 was composed by Marcin Przybyłowicz, Mikolai Stroinski, and Percival – Polish folk music band from Lubin, formed by musicians of folk-metal band Percival Schuttenbach. Their name refers to the gnome named “Percival Schuttenbach” from The Witcher novels.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Concert Video Game Show
Track listing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Suite
00:00:31 01. Geralt of Rivia 00:01:53 02. Eredin, King of the Hunt 00:04:14 03. Commanding the Fury 00:06:25 04. Wake Up, Ciri 00:08:00 05. The Wolf and the Swallow 00:10:35 06. Fate Calls 00:12:30 07. Farewell, Old Friend 00:15:30 08. Ladies of the Woods 00:17:57 09. Spikeroog 00:20:55 10. Bonny at Morn 00:23:30 11. On Thin Ice 00:25:50 12. Witch Hunters 00:28:29 13. The Tree We Sat Once 00:31:04 14. I Name Thee Dea and Embrace Thee as My Daughter 00:32:23 15. King’s Bran Final Voyage 00:34:33 16. Welcome, Imlerith 00:37:20 17. The Hunt is Coming 00:39:22 18. Kaer Morhen 00:41:56 19. Aen Seidhe 00:45:10 20. Silver for Monsters 00:47:20 21. Geralt of Rivia (reprise)
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Hearts of Stone Suite
00:50:10 22. Hearts of Stone 00:53:00 23. Mystery Man 00:55:40 24. The Temple of Lilvani 00:58:01 25. A Gifted Man Brings Gifts Galore
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt — Blood and Wine Suite
01:02:24 26. Blood and Wine 01:05:22 27. The Banks of the Sansretour 01:09:19 28. Fanfares and Flowers 01:12:30 29. Lady of the Lake 01:13:42 30. The Slopes of the Blessure 01:15:58 31. Beyond Hill and Dale… 01:19:04 32. The Moon Over Mount Gorgon 01:21:06 33. Tesham Mutna 01:23:12 34. Lullaby of Woe