The truth is out there, but so are lies.
– Dana Scully
I Want to Believe poster is a cult item from the X-Files set and Holy Grail among the believers. The origin story behind it is that Mulder bought it from a large M Street store in Washington and attached it to the wall of his X-Files office. This copy of the poster was originally destroyed by an office fire, but Agent Mulder found an almost identical replacement and attached it to the same wall. With the international success of the X-Files series, both the slogan and the poster began to represent the believers of extraterrestrial life. Currently, one of the original copies is in the Smisthonian National Museum, the rest have been stolen or destroyed. The phrase I want to believe is still used in many mythical subjects, such as the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Santa Claus. Other tidbits can be found in the interview with Chris Carter who was the creator and writer of The X-Files. #funfact