Maluch is famous in Poland for its ability to bend space. When you try to fill it with luggage, there’s always space for more.
– TurboDog
What is the difference between Maluch and Maluch Sport model?
Maluch Sport comes with a tennis ball on the tow hook.
Why does Maluch have a heated rear window?
For the comfort of people pushing it during winter.
Maluch can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 2.74 seconds… when in free fall.
Maluch doesn’t rust! It is just fully biodegradable.
Maluch is the only car blessed by the Pope. Because it’s impossible to sin in it.
Maluch has various safety systems like horn, warning lights and brakes.
When Maluch breaks down, you can wear it as a backpack.
Is Maluch a quiet car?
Sure but that’s only because your knees are blocking your ears.
When you refuel the Maluch, you double its value.
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