Penguin Joke 🐧

posted on January 18, 2019 March 23, 2021
Tags: cool, joke, wow
Pengoo but no pengoo, is it dogengoo? Wow.

What do you call a penguin in the desert? Lost! Wow.

One day a Cop pulls a van over and when he walks up to the window he sees ten penguins in the back.
The cop asks the man “are those your penguins?”
The man Says “yes, they are my pets.”
The cop replies to the man “You need to take them to the zoo right now.”
So the man agrees and drives off. The next day the cop pulls over the same van and he walks up to the window and sees the ten penguins all wearing sunglasses.
The cop says to the man “I thought i told you to take those penguins to the zoo.”
The man says “I did, today we are going to the beach!” #joke


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