Sleepy Doge 😴

posted on October 29, 2017 March 24, 2021
Tags: cool, funfact, wow
Much tired. Very sleepy. Wow. Squishy. ZzzZZzzzZzzz. Sleepy doge.

ZZzzZzzzZzzzz. Much relax. WOW

Sleeping for long periods is a natural part of the canine lifestyle. Dogs tend to spend 50 percent of the day snoozing, 30 percent awake but lying around, and 20 percent being active. On average, dogs spend about 12-to-14 hours of the 24-hour cycle sleeping. Older dogs need significant amounts of sleep simply because, as they age, living becomes more difficult. They tire out more easily and need rest in order to function properly.

The amount of sleep dogs need also depends on what they are bred to do. For instance, it’s necessary for working dogs to stay awake because of the physical and mental demands they face each day. Dogs that have tasks to hold their attention will spend most of the day active, dedicated to completing those tasks. #akcorg


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