The Dancing Plague Of 1518 🕚

posted on January 11, 2024 January 11, 2024
Animated GIF depicting Doge enjoying the view in the city of Strasbourg, while other doges dance in the background. Caption: Oh Boy I Sure Love Walking Around Strabourg In The Summer Of 1518, I Hope Nothing Wacky And Uncharacteristic Happens.
Strasbourg Dance Fever

And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
– Friedrich Nietzsche

What Was The Dancing Plague?

The Dancing Plague of 1518 was a bizarre event in Strasbourg, Holy Roman Empire (modern-day France), where a woman started dancing in the streets, and the phenomenon spread, with hundreds of people dancing uncontrollably for days or weeks. Some even died from exhaustion or related causes. The cause remains unclear, with theories ranging from psychogenic illness such as mass hysteria to environmental factors. The dancing eventually subsided, leaving behind a historical mystery. #history #funfact

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