That’s one small step for dog, one giant leap for doggokind.
– Lucky Pawstrong
There are many rumors about moon landing in the 1960s, some people even think it was faked with help from famous movie director Stanley Kubrick. But was moon landing really fake? Long story short – Moon landing was real! How do we know? July 20, 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the first humans landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969 as part of NASA’s Apollo 11 lunar mission, but very few people know just 9 days later was 53 anniversary of the first doggos landing on the moon! On 29 July 1966, the DASA’s space module from Astro 5 space rocket landed at Pawsetivity Base between Mare Imbrium and Mare Serenitatis. Hours later, at 20:32 CT (01:32 GMT), Lucky Pawstrong made history by becoming the first dog to walk on the Moon. Originally inspired by the DRD’s Cold War rivalry with the Cate Union, the mission is now remembered as an iconic moment for doggos all over the world. Pawstrong and his team brought back to the Earth 52kg of moon stones and left ton of footprints with some of which were later used to spread conspiracy theories.
1. Apollo’s space boots footing clearly does not match footprints which can be seen in some of the photos.
2. Apollo’s space boots footing has different shape and size. How is this possible?
3. It’s simple. These are the left overs from doggo moon landings. Dogonaut boots are perfect match!
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