Utopia: A Virus Conspiracy Thriller 🟨

posted on May 2, 2020 April 27, 2023
Tags: brutal, funfact, movie, wow, yt
Swole doge standing next to a yellow bag. Caption: Where is Jessica Hyde?

Utopia in four words? Thrilling, unsettling, suspenseful and tense. But you better tell me, where is Jessica Hyde?

Utopia is a conspiracy theory thriller tv series done right. Not only is this one of the most intense shows I’ve ever seen, but it’s also beautiful. After a group of people, discover a bizarre graphic novel which seems to hold important answers, they find themselves being tracked down by a merciless organization known merely as “The Network”. Straight from the first scene of Utopia’s pilot, you know you’re going to be strapped in for a wild ride. #brutal

Utopia Opening (UK)


Original Utopia (UK) from 2013 got an US remake and well, it is not bad. Solid 7 maybe even 7.5 out of 10. Released just in time of COVID pandemic fits perfectly into all the conspiracy theories and might just give the series a second life. How it compares to the original? They are both pretty similar but with different realisation. Personally I like the UK version more. It is just more mysterious, more grim and for sure full of beatiful shots, a well deserved 9 from me. If you have not seen Utopia before – both are worth your time. If you have, then the US remake may still be a nice refreshement.


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